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lettuce in a field for april planting

What To Do In Your Garden In April [Planting Guide]

It’s April, and that means in most USDA gardening zones, there’s lots of work to be done! Want the exact organic, non-GMO heirloom seeds we use on our homestead? We love Seeds Now! We’re in Zone 7, so we’ve already set out our cool weather crops, and by the first week of April, we’ll be…

corn, bits and syrup

How to Make Corn Syrup That’s Homemade & Healthy

I never really cared about how to make corn syrup until we started looking at all the processed foods we eat and eliminating them one by one from our diet. Corn syrup is definitely one of those overly-processed foods that has ingredients I can’t pronounce, so it had to go. And since most corn grown…

carrots planting

Save Money With A Backyard Chicken Fall Garden [Podcast]

Although it’s still the middle of summer, starting a fall garden for your chickens means when cooler weather rolls around, your flock can still enjoy fresh, organic treats. In cooler weather, your chickens are more likely to suffer from vitamin and mineral deficiency, especially if you rely heavily on foraging to supplement your flock’s diet….

Homemade granola bars
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10 Simple & Healthy After School Snacks Your Kids Will Love

Can y’all believe it’s back to school season already? I can’t believe that kids are starting to go back to school and that fall is almost here! One thing that I’ve always noticed especially as school gets started again is that it can be SO HARD to find healthy snacks to feed your kids. They…

Use Rabbit manure in your garden for a better harvest!
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3 Ways To Use Rabbit Manure To Improve Your Garden!

As you probably know, we raise rabbits on our homestead, which means we have a LOT of rabbit manure. What you may not know is that rabbit manure is one of the easiest to use, yet super healthy, fertilizers for your garden. In this article, I’m going to show you how to use rabbit poop…

Use hay bale gardening to grow a better harvest!

How To Use Hay Bale Gardening To Increase Your Harvest!

If you’ve been curious about hay bale gardening, you’ll want to stick around for the rest of this article. We’ve tried hay bale gardening on the homestead, and we’ve found that not only has it given us great yields, it’s made harvesting our veggies much easier. (Here’s a really great book on Amazon that shows…