Latest Chickens Posts

herbs for chickens on white
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The Best Herbs For Chickens To Eat? These Are Them (Plus One For First Aid!) [Podcast]

While a lot of herbs are great for chickens, there’s a few that I feel are the best herbs for chickens to eat. There’s also a couple on my list that are perfect for other uses, such as first aid and as natural cleaners (make sure you grab my free reference sheet). In this episode of What…

Chicken in flight with blurred background

Can Chickens Fly – Chicken Superpowers Explored!

Can chickens fly? Grab your boarding pass and discover more about chickens and whether or not they have this superpower. Some chicken breeds do have flying superpowers, and some do not. Even within a specific breed, some individual chickens can fly, and some cannot. In this article, we’ll take a deeper look at the question…

wound care pets

Easy Wound Care For Pets

If you have a pet, you’ve probably been witness to them injuring themselves in some capacity at some point. Wounds, especially superficial skin wounds, are very common in pets. They can get in a fight with another pet or animal outside, they can get their skin caught on something sharp and not realize it, they…