Latest Sustainable Living Posts

Cute chicken egg in a little flower pot with a crochet hat

Can You Freeze Eggs?

Thinking about freezing chicken eggs because you’re getting so many? Read on for my best tips! Eggs are incredibly valuable: within them lie the blueprints of life. But they’re also sustenance. The vast amount of cultures around the world that raise chickens for eggs has made their eggs one of, if not THE most essential…

Square Foot Garden

Start Square Foot Gardening With These Ideas

Whether you’re a traditional gardener or a newcomer, square foot gardening is a concept that has a lot to offer. Designed to help you make the most of your growing space, this model is taking the gardening world by storm. It offers tons of benefits and is relatively simple to implement.  However, you shouldn’t get…

Celery cabbage

Easiest Vegetables to Grow

When it comes to growing your own vegetables, practice makes perfect. The longer you do it, the easier it will be to cultivate and develop that “green thumb” you’ve always wanted. But if you’re just getting started, you don’t have time to waste sitting around and wondering why your plants won’t grow. Instead, you need…

what seedlings can you start in February?

What Seedlings Can You Start In February? [Planting Guide]

February is usually a dreary month, but it’s also a great month to get started on your garden (I have!). I’m sure you’re wondering “What seedlings can you start in February?,” and you might even think I’m a little bit crazy (I probably am). February is a rather ambitious time of year to start seedlings,…

How to keep a chicken coop warm in winter - hens in snow

How To Keep A Chicken Coop Warm In Winter

Not sure how to keep a chicken coop warm in winter? Then pull up a chair, because we have quite a few (battle-tested) ideas for you today. (Want to know how to keep your flock’s water from freezing? Get my genius hacks here). While the winters never get too brutal here in Missouri, we still…

What can you grow in January? Plenty! Here's 7 vegetable gardening ideas (vegetable herbs) for seedlings you can start right now!

What Can You Grow In January? Get Crackin’!

All right, y’all. We made it past the holidays, and now we’re into big gardening time. So, you’re probably wondering, “What can you grow in January?” January is kind of a dull month. All the major holidays are over, we’ve all got sticker shock at how much we spent in the past couple months, and…