Businesses, you have exactly 8 seconds before your ideal client tunes you out.
But what if I showed you how to get 3, 4, even 20 TIMES that amount of time?
Come closer, because the answer is simple.
Partner with FrugalChicken.
Here’s the deal:
While FrugalChicken has reached nearly 350,000 unique readers in the past 30 days, the more important takeaway is that on average, those blog readers stuck around—for over 3 minutes.
Even better, listeners of the FrugalChicken podcast, What The Cluck?! stuck around on average for over 20 MINUTES.
By partnering with FrugalChicken, you can not only get your message heard by a more tuned-in audience, but you get the most powerful piece of marketing you’ll ever get:
Word of mouth.
Everybody knows your best buyers are influenced by word of mouth. Why not take advantage of a blog that not only has the ear of your idea client, but has it for over 20 minutes?
In fact, you’d be crazy not to be hopping up and down right now.
See, the times they are a-changin. Your customers are distracted. And you’re up against strong competition: every other business out there.
You need to stand out.
Rather than shouting from the rooftops to a distracted audience, there’s a better way of making a positive, lasting impression on your ideal client:
Partnering with influencers.
And, boy, is FrugalChicken an influencer.
But first:
Let me tell you a little about my blog.
FrugalChicken is a blog devoted to helping people learn to grow organic food and raise chickens in their own backyards in just minutes a day.
With a monthly reach of nearly 350,000 unique visitors, FrugalChicken is a growing blog—with a dedicated fan base.
Of those visitors, approximately 75% are brand spanking new, and 25% are the raving fans that return again and again for chicken and backyard farming advice.
It don’t get much better than that, and this is your opportunity to get your message heard.
Why You Should Partner With FrugalChicken
By partnering with FrugalChicken, you get access to a wide, dedicated, and engaged audience of homesteaders and backyard chicken enthusiasts.
I am an authority in the field of organic living and backyard chickens that’s published in the media regularly, and this is your opportunity to introduce your products that will help my audience.
FrugalChicken has:
223,000+ unique visitors every month
356,000+ pageviews
8.400 Facebook followers
40,000+ Pinterest followers (with 2 million reach)
100,000 monthly reach for What The Cluck?! podcast
750+ YouTube followers
5,800 Instagram followers
4,200 Twitter followers
17,000 email subscribers
I offer possibly some of the best partnership packages you’ll find, including:
- 30 second pre-roll advertisement spots on What The Cluck?! (these sell out quick and I offer exclusivity, so email [email protected] for availability). – SOLD OUT
- Side bar advertising
- Email marketing (17,000 subscribers)
- Paid social media endorsements
- Facebook Live endorsements
For the right product, I go above and beyond the call of duty, usually including one or more of the above offerings for free if I feel the product is something my readers will truly love.
Past partners have been featured in my books and online courses, so this is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
Every month, the podcasts are still downloaded thousands of times regardless of release date (I still have podcasts from 6 months ago that are downloaded daily).
This is evergreen content that never dies, and neither will your message.
For a limited time, when you purchase a 30 second podcast spot (5 episode commitment), you get:
- 30 second pre-roll spot so you know listeners will hear your message
- 1 free ad in my 6,000+ email newsletter
- If you provide a product to review, 1 free Instagram feature
It’s best to email me at [email protected] to discuss specifics.
What are other businesses saying about partnering with FrugalChicken?
“Maat was extremely responsive to my business needs. She went the extra step to ensure that her audience was receiving information that appealed to them while introducing our company to her audience. She is flexible and accommodating, and she is attentive to reporting and audience response. I look forward to promoting campaigns with Maat in the future.” – Chaya, Pantry Paratus
Interested? Email me at [email protected]
Recent Interviews & Media Mentions
Mashed, 8 Vegetables You Should Be Eating, and 8 You Shouldn’t.
Mid-South Homesteading Conference, Sept 24, 2016. “Fermenting For Beginners” presentation and “Getting Started with Backyard Chickens” presentation
Chickens magazine, Nov/Dec Issue
Chickens magazine, Sept/Oct Issue
“Making Fertilizer With Banana Peels,” AgNet West California Agricultural News, June 2016
“Fertilizer From Banana Peels,” Southeast AgNet, June 2016 (Audio)
“This Land Is My Land, This Land Is Your Land, And It’s All Free,” Newsy, June 2016
“9 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Flies,” Pioneer Settler, June 2016
Chickens magazine (Hobby Farms) – May/June 2016 issue
“10 Homesteading Blogs That Inspire And Educate,” Countryside Network, May 2016
Ordering Chicks Through The Mail, Heritage Breeds Podcast, May 2016
“Keeping Backyard Chickens,” Urban Farm Podcast, April 2016
“Why Celebrities Keep Backyard Chickens,” The Two Mikes, talkSPORT radio, March 2016
“5 Heritage Breeds Our Grandparents Kept,” Heritage Breeds Podcast, March 2016
Two Chicks Chatting (Around The Cabin) Radio Show, October 2015
“Caring for Chickens in the Winter,” Modern Homesteading Podcast October 2015
“How Many Eggs Will A Chicken Lay,” Modern Homesteading Podcast, October 2015
Finalist, 2016 BlogPaws Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards, “Best Unconventional Pet Blog” category
“Growing Cherry Tomatoes In Pots Is Perfect For Everyone” – Countryside, July 2016
“Using 2 Acres Of Homesteading Land To Raise Your Own Meat” – Countryside, June 2016
“Which Chickens Lay Brown Eggs?” – Backyard Poultry, June 2016
“What Can Pigs Eat Out Of Your Garden?” – Countryside, May 2016
“Rehabilitate Rescue Chickens Using Good Old Fashioned Love And Care” – Backyard Poultry, April 2016
“Oregano Goat Udder Balm Means Happy Goats” – Countryside, March 2016
“Try Perennial Peanut Grass Hay as a Healthy Alternative Forage” – Countryside, March 2016
“What is Coconut Oil Good For? How About Your Chickens!” – Countryside Network, March 2016
“5 Hog Breeds For The Backyard Homesteader” – Countryside, Feb 2016
“How to Make Goat Milk Soap Without Handling Lye” – Countryside magazine – December 2015
“Five Tips to Prepare Your Backyard Poultry for Winter” – The Hearty Homestead (Manna Pro website) – October 2015
“Considering Age Differences When Feeding Your Flock” – The Hearty Homestead (Manna Pro website) – September 2015
Other features
Marans Breed Profile (video clips of chickens & photographs) – Backyard Poultry Magazine, April 2016

FrugalChicken’s 2016 Media Kit:
If you feel your product is a good fit for my readers, please feel free to contact me at editor (at)
Maat, I saw your presentation on BeyondOffGrid and would like to take advantage of your offer for $37.00. I hope it’s not too late. Could you help me with that?
Hi Karen, It’s not too late! Just visit, and scroll to the bottom where the payment info is. Thank you for listening to the webinar!
I’m looking for a large area. To hunt on that’s mine no one living around me so I can have shooting ranges and live stock.
Hi Kirk, thanks for the comment. I hope you get your ideal homestead!
We’re considering raising chickens at our place of business because we have a yard and the room to free range them. Plus enough people to enjoy the eggs. The problem is no one is there over the weekends. I’m sure we can get feeders that would hold enough feed and enough water but can we go a couple days every week without collecting eggs and looking in on them?
Hi Carl, that’s a tough question to answer. I think animals should be checked on every day because 99% of the time they’ll be ok as long as they have food and water, but then there’s that 1% when something disastrous happens. Animals can be tricky like that! You can definitely go a couple days without gathering eggs. If it’s very hot, I would consider composting them if they’ve been sitting there a couple days, and if it’s cold and they froze (and split), then I would compost them (or feed them to your hens.)
I read your blog about 10 weird eggs hoping their was one to explain what I found in my coop yesterday. The egg is the normal “egg shape” but has a symmetrical embossed design on one side. I’d love to share a picture and hopefully find out the cause.
Thank you
Hi Sue, I’d love to see a photo. Can you email a pic to [email protected] please?
I listen to the podcast about pumpkins for your chickens. And I’ve been looking all over the Internet and wondered can they eat gourds as well or no?
Yes, they can 🙂
I love listening to your podcast and will be taking your recommendations for my chick food. I am building my first coop now and getting chicks in the spring(super excited). I am getting five different chicks and my coop dimensions are the coop is 4×5 with an attached run of 10x5x6 with the space underneath the coop as well. Is that sufficient room for them to be happy? I will let them around the yard sometimes but 99% of the time they will be in there?
My chicks are 3 weeks old and are wallowing in the food and wood chips as if they were dusting their self, I decided to put some sand bentonite clay and diatomaceous earth in a small box in their enclosure but they’re not dusting with it they are eating it, I don’t think the sand, diatomaceous earth or bentonite clay will hurt them if they eat it but I would like to have a second opinion,
If they were my chicks, I’d remove it. They need to eat their feed and have room in their bellies for it. 🙂