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Easter Egger chickens

Easter Egger Chickens: Egg Color, Personalities, And More!

Easter Egger chickens are sure to bring a smile to your face, from their colored eggs to their funny personalities – they will win your heart! If you’re interested to know more about Easter Egger chickens, then you’re in the right place. Easily confused with Ameraucana and Araucana chicken breeds, these feathered beauties aren’t a…

Urban neighborhood from arial perspective

Urban Chickens – 7 Hacks for Health and Happiness

One of the questions I get asked the most is: “Can I keep urban chickens even though I live in the city?” And my answer is always a huge YES! Raising chickens is a rewarding and meaningful experience and I highly recommend it to everyone! There are, however, some things that you need to keep…

It's June! Wonder what you can still plant?
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It’s June…Here’s 17 Vegetables You Can Still Plant For a Full Fall Harvest!

It maybe June (can you believe we’re halfway through the year?), but there’s still plenty you can plant for a late summer/fall harvest! (This is an excerpt from my #1 Amazon Bestselling book Organic By Choice: The (Secret) Rebel’s Guide To Backyard Gardening. If you want a great resource to help you grow everything listed…

A silhouette of a mosquito on a plant

Do Mosquitoes Bite Chickens? 6 All-Natural Remedies To Protect Your Chickens From Pests

Nothing is worse than being bothered by flying pests. It can make life miserable for you….and, yes, even your chickens! Here 6 ways to keep mosquitoes, flies, and gnats off your chickens so you AND they can enjoy time outside! When it’s the time of year for flying insects to make their presence known, you…