build a grazing box for your hens

Build A Grazing Box For Healthier Backyard Chickens (Detailed Instructions!)

If you’re looking for a surefire way to keep your flock from getting the stuck-in-the-coop blues, build a grazing box for your chickens. And the best part? Building a grazing box for your chickens (using chicken wire or hardware cloth) won’t cost you a ton of money! You might already know your chickens need boredom busters…

deworming herbal mix for backyard chickens

Herbal Deworming Mix For Backyard Chickens

It’s Treat Tuesday! And this week’s treat is all about deworming chickens naturally with herbs! Now, I’m the first to say that there haven’t been too many studies about herbal dewormers themselves, particularly for chickens, ducks, geese, and the like. Back in the day, people HAD to rely on herbs and natural resources to keep…

Got itchy kids? Make my favorite homemade bug bite relief Stick in your own kitchen with essential oils! Easy to follow recipe!
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Bug Bite Relief Stick You Can Make Practically For Free

Nothing is worse than bug bites, except watching your kids be really, really unhappy! In this article, I’m going to show you how to make an all-natural, bug bite relief stick. When things get a bit creepy crawly on your skin, you CAN grab a bottle of over-the-counter stuff….but you’re taking your chances. We’re trying…