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Square Foot Garden

Start Square Foot Gardening With These Ideas

Whether you’re a traditional gardener or a newcomer, square foot gardening is a concept that has a lot to offer. Designed to help you make the most of your growing space, this model is taking the gardening world by storm. It offers tons of benefits and is relatively simple to implement.  However, you shouldn’t get…

Celery cabbage

Easiest Vegetables to Grow

When it comes to growing your own vegetables, practice makes perfect. The longer you do it, the easier it will be to cultivate and develop that “green thumb” you’ve always wanted. But if you’re just getting started, you don’t have time to waste sitting around and wondering why your plants won’t grow. Instead, you need…

Up close of chicken with blurred background that has a rooster and a dog house

Coccidiosis in Chickens

Worried about coccidiosis in chickens? You’re not alone. This disease is one that leaves most chicken keepers quaking in their boots. If your birds are affected with symptoms like bloody chicken droppings and are showing a failure to thrive, they might be affected by coccidiosis. Similar to other kinds of external parasites, like lice and…

White hen up close with blue sky and white clouds behind her

Why is My Hen Crowing?

Why is my hen crowing? If this is a question you’ve asked yourself, then read on – you’re not alone! Most experienced chicken owners have had this experience – or at least a similar one. You’re sitting in your living room, enjoying a cup of coffee while you listen to your hens cackle and chirp…

Rooster and hen standing in snow next to a chicken coop

How Cold is Too Cold for Chickens?

No matter how experienced you are in raising chickens, as the mercury begins to drop you might start second-guessing yourself and wondering, “how cold is too cold for chickens?” This is a concern raised by people who love raising chickens everywhere, but especially those who live in cold, unforgiving climates. Luckily, chickens are pretty hardy…