Basket of vegetables freshly picked in the garden

Lasagna Gardening Quick Start Guide

The term “lasagna gardening” conjures up images of cheesy, gooey, hamburger-laden goodness. Unfortunately, it’s not possible to grow a lasagna in your garden – and lasagna gardening has nothing to do with the Italian dish we know and love.  However, lasagna gardening has plenty of other benefits to offer. Not only can it help boost…

vegetables to grow in pots

21 Best Vegetables to Grow in Pots (It’s So Easy!)

Growing your own vegetables is one of the most enjoyable endeavors you can attempt. Not only will you be rewarded with a delicious bounty of nutritious vegetables at the end of the growing season, but you will also save some money, too. However, if you have a short growing season or lack ample gardening space…

Mille Fleur d’Uccle chicken standing in green grass

Why Mille Fleur d’Uccle Chickens Are The Best Pets

Thought about adding Mille Fleur d’Uccle chickens to your flock? Not sure if they’re right for you? Read on, and discover this wonderful breed! The Mille Fleur d’Uccle is a small bantam whose heart is massive. It is a chicken who loves affection – and reciprocates. Their speckled feathering is lovely and captivates all who look upon…

delaware chicken pullet

Delaware Chickens – Nearly Extinct (Looking for a forever home!)

Even though this chicken breed was just developed in 1940, it may be surprising to hear that the Delware chicken has the potential to be on of the shortest-lived breeds out there. In fact, they might be headed for extinction! Find out more about this breed, plus learn how amazing they are and how you…

Golden Comet chicken headshot with blurred grass background

Raise Golden Comet Chickens For Lots Of Eggs!

Golden Comet chickens are not something that can be seen streaking through a dark night sky. It’s a hybrid chicken breed that likely gets its name from its coloring, which ranges from a rich reddish-orange to a light golden yellow. Of course, it could also be a mix of the color AND the miniature comets…

Ayam Cemani

Ayam Cemani Chickens – The ALL Black Lamborghini of Chicken Breeds

The Ayam Cemani chicken is the “Lamborghini” of the backyard poultry world. Like the car, the Ayam Cemani is sleek, shiny, and expensive. What is it about the Ayam Cemani that makes it such a rare and pricey commodity?  What Does the Name Mean? The word Ayam translates into chicken in Indonesian. Cemani is both…