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What to buy at the farmers market in December!

What To Buy At The Farmer’s Market: December

Can you believe it’s almost winter? I am not ready for the nice fall weather to go away! December can be a tricky month for shopping at the farmer’s market, depending on where you live. If you live somewhere that gets FREEZING cold in the winter, like I do, you’ll be lucky if you can…

lemons on blue background
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8 Genius Uses For Leftover Lemons

Nothing is worse than throwing out perfectly good food, or worse, watching it rot. You spent effort growing the fruit, or good money buying it, so you probably want to use it, right? Not sure how? Well, we’ve done the thinking for you! Here’s 8 ways you can use leftover lemons (or any citrus, really)…

little girl on lavender field

Why Your Shampoos & Soaps Are Harming Your Daughter (And What To Do About It)

Time for a truth bomb. If you use commercial soaps and shampoos from big box stores, the dollar store, etc, chances are you’re exposing your children to phthalates. What the heck are phthalates? I’m glad you asked. (Like, really glad). Phthalates are chemical compounds commonly found in all sorts of consumer products, like household cleaners,…

There's 11 essential oils that are dangerous to wear in the sun. Here's a detailed list and how to use them safely!
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11 Essential Oils You Should Never Wear In The Sun

It’s summer, so let’s chat about essential oils you should never wear in the sun. You’re probably thinking “What? I thought oils were safe….” And they are. BUT like anything in life, you need to use them the right way. I learned this lesson the hard way (luckily, I caught myself in time). Certain oils…