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Egg being candled to check for fertility

Miracle In a Shell – All About Candling Eggs

Candling chicken eggs is an incredible experience that every chicken owner should experience. It’s truly a miracle in a shell! Beyond the experience, you may NEED to candle eggs if you are incubating them. Egg candling is done to determine the quality of an egg, be it regarding the white, yolk, air cell, fertility, and…

confessions from the coop duck flock

Will we have new chicks??? Confessions from the Coop (TM)

It finally happened (backyard chicken style). The baby bantams have started laying! My buff cochin hens have started laying the tiniest, perfect brown eggs. I KNOW they’re fertile (thanks to my silkie roosters!), so I’m going to start collecting to hatch them. How cute will that be? Out of all my chickens, the cochin bantams…

Brinsea Ovation 56 Advance Incubator fully digital for backyard chickens product photo
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Brinsea Ovation 56 Advance Incubator Product Review

*** For this review, the folks at Brinsea sent us their Brinsea Ovation 56 Advance Incubator with fully automatic egg turner and digital temperature and humidity control test run. Although we received the incubator for free, all the opinions in this article are true and accurate, and represent our own opinions. *** What we reviewed…

Chick standing next to an egg on all white background

What Does a Fertilized Egg Look Like + Top 3 Mistakes You Need To Avoid

If you have chickens, chances are you’re wondering “What does a fertilized egg look like?” I have the answers plus some tried and true tips! The first time we hatched chicks on our homestead, it was a great day – we could increase our flock (and our food supply), develop our own line of healthy…

How To Hatch Chicken Eggs

How to Hatch Chicken Eggs (Even Without Incubators)

Fluffy chicks are the best and learning how to hatch chicken eggs (and hatch eggs at home without an incubator) is a ton of fun! Letting Mother Nature (who knows how to incubate chicken eggs perfectly) do her thing is always best, but if your hens aren’t broody (wanting to sit on eggs) or if…