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Easter Egger chickens

Easter Egger Chickens: Egg Color, Personalities, And More!

Easter Egger chickens are sure to bring a smile to your face, from their colored eggs to their funny personalities – they will win your heart! If you’re interested to know more about Easter Egger chickens, then you’re in the right place. Easily confused with Ameraucana and Araucana chicken breeds, these feathered beauties aren’t a…

brahama chickens with a bowl

Brahma Chickens: What To Know Before You Buy!

We own several Brahma chickens, and they make wonderful pets who lay lovely brown eggs (we also have one that lays lavender eggs!). In this article, I’m going to tell you everything there is to know about this breed! While Brahma chickens are known for growing into beasts the size of large turkeys, giving it…

Silkie chickens roosters

Silkie Chickens: Pet Facts & Fiction

Who doesn’t want to own Silkie chickens? They’re fun, sweet-natured, and they make you breakfast! In short, they’re the perfect pet. Yep – you can definitely keep chickens as pets, and Silkies make GREAT pets, especially for households with children. I also know MANY seniors who keep Silkies because they’re easier to care for than a dog, and they’re great company. And,…

Four chickens perched on a wooden fence

How Long Do Chickens Live — The Million Dollar Question

A question I frequently get from readers is “How long do chickens live?” So, how long? While on average chickens live about 8 years, chicken lifespans depend on a lot of factors, including breed, quality of life, and environment. There’s also the little fact that many chickens people raise are intended to be food – and you can…

Rare breeds of chickens can have certain advantages over common breeds. In this episode of What The Cluck?! you'll learn about 4 rare breeds of chickens, the one breed that can bring substantial income to your farm, and common mistakes owners make raising rare breeds. From FrugalChicken

4 Rare Breeds Of Chickens For Your Homestead: What The Cluck?! Episode 11 [Podcast]

On our homestead, we raise several rare breeds of chickens. In part, this is because we enjoy their beauty, and also because the breeds have advantages over more popular breeds of chickens. In this episode of What The Cluck?! we examine 4 rare breeds of chickens, and their advantages. We also look at the history of the…