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automatic coop door chickenguard

DIY Automatic Coop Door With ChickenGuard

Building your own DIY automatic coop door is easy with a ChickenGuard Automatic Coop Door Opener! (For this article, ChickenGuard provided us with a free Automatic Coop Door Opener. This article reflects my own personal opinions using this product). With the hot summers and chilly winters (with lots of freezing rain) in Southeast Missouri, making…

automatic coop door install

Automatic Coop Door Install: Omlet Universal Automatic Chicken Coop Door Review

For this review, we were sent a free Omlet Universal Automatic Chicken Coop Door to test. All opinions are our own and represent our own experience with this product. In this article, we’ll show how we installed the Omlet Universal Automatic Chicken Coop Door in a coop we built ourselves. (We reviewed the automatic coop…

omlet automatic chicken coop door

Omlet Universal Automatic Chicken Coop Door Review

For this review, we were sent a free Omlet Universal Automatic Chicken Coop Door to test. All opinions are our own and represent our own experience with this product. In this article, we’ll cover our review of the automatic coop door when it’s installed in an Omlet chicken coop. For this review, we used our…

chicken guard coop door with LCD screen

ChickenGuard Self Locking Door Kit Review

For this review, we were sent a ChickenGuard Automatic Chicken Coop Door Opener with Self Locking Door Kit to test. All opinions expressed are our honest review of this product. In this article, we’ll cover our review of the self-locking door kit and standard automatic door opener. In a subsequent review, we’ll show how we…

build a chicken coop plans

Build A Chicken Coop That’s 100% Predator Safe

Building a chicken coop – or at least providing a safe home – is a task we take on the moment we bring home chickens for the first time. With a such a huge task like this, it’s easy to get overwhelmed – especially after you realize that your new feathered friends are a meal…

Install an Automatic Chicken Coop Door With These 7 Hacks!
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7 Sneaky Hacks To Install An Automatic Chicken Coop Door

Installing an automatic chicken coop door is easy, but it’s not always super straightforward. Here’s 7 sneaky hacks to install an automatic door for your chicken coop that the pros don’t always tell you  (and I learned the hard way). First, in the video below, we show you how to install the automatic chicken coop…