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What can you grow in January? Plenty! Here's 7 vegetable gardening ideas (vegetable herbs) for seedlings you can start right now!

What Can You Grow In January? Get Crackin’!

All right, y’all. We made it past the holidays, and now we’re into big gardening time. So, you’re probably wondering, “What can you grow in January?” January is kind of a dull month. All the major holidays are over, we’ve all got sticker shock at how much we spent in the past couple months, and…

DIY garden markers
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Gorgeous DIY Cedar Garden Markers In 15 Minutes!

It’a gardening season, y’all. And these gorgeous cedar DIY garden markers are so easy to make! They’re also functional, and should last you years! I invited my friend Amy from 1905 Farmhouse to show us how she made these beautiful diy garden markers using cedar stakes and a wood burning kit! Her tutorial is really…

organic gardening supplies

13 Organic Gardening Supplies Every Woman Needs

Getting started with gardening this year? Feeling overwhelmed? (Or just want to get it right the first time?) You need help in choosing the right organic gardening supplies. You can choose to grow organic for life and you can start today. With the right tools, gardening becomes easy, enjoyable, and successful. Let’s do a quick…

Here's 3 genius square foot gardening layouts that are perfect for raised beds. Square foot gardening for beginners just got easier!

3 Square Foot Gardening Layouts That Are Genius Time Savers

Longing for the days when people used to grow their own vegetables through traditional sweat and dirt…..but don’t have the time? Well, it’s time to get off your butt. Consider this your call to action: a beginner’s guide to square foot gardening layouts. (This article is an excerpt from my best selling gardening book, Organic…

New to small space gardening? Here's 3 Square Foot Gardening Plant Spacing Ideas for beginner gardeners!

3 Square Foot Gardening Plant Spacing Ideas

Square foot gardening plant spacing seems like it should be simple, but if you don’t take companion planting into consideration, then you run the risk of your garden turning into a total flop. NOTHING is worse than doing everything right, only to have a garden that doesn’t yield anything. Ask me how I know –…