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Cute chicken egg in a little flower pot with a crochet hat

Can You Freeze Eggs?

Thinking about freezing chicken eggs because you’re getting so many? Read on for my best tips! Eggs are incredibly valuable: within them lie the blueprints of life. But they’re also sustenance. The vast amount of cultures around the world that raise chickens for eggs has made their eggs one of, if not THE most essential…

Don't make these 7 controversial canning mistakes that can cost you your health!
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7 Controversial Canning Mistakes That Can Cost You Your Health

There’s common canning mistakes…and then there’s canning mistakes that can cost you your health. Every year, I see the same articles floating around the internet and getting shared on Facebook. And I worry for the unsuspecting people who will follow this bad advice, and make all sorts of canning mistakes that might lead them to…

how to dehydrate tomatoes like a boss
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Dry Tomatoes Like A Boss With This Tutorial

Dried tomatoes add an amazing burst of flavor to any recipe and that’s why it is a must-have in my kitchen here at the farm. It gives delicious depth to my meals and it is fully packed with nutrients that our body will enjoy. There’s nothing better than something that’s good for your body and…

how to store garlic long term #garlic
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How To Store Garlic Long Term

Did you plant cloves of spicy-smelling garlic and now you’re wondering how to store garlic long term? Garlic is a wonderful addition to any garden, and it’s a wonderful sense of satisfaction harvest it – especially after you cure it and realize you won’t be needing to buy garlic from the grocery store anymore! The…

How To Cure And Store Potatoes For Long Term Storage
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How To Cure And Store Potatoes For Long Term Storage!

It’s the end of the growing season for tubers – and you’re probably wondering how to cure and store potatoes for long term storage. Curing potatoes is a simple process….and it is very necessary if you want your potatoes to stay edible into the winter. By now, if you haven’t harvested your tubers, the green…

You CAN preserve food without canning - here's 10+ ways to do it!
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10+ Ways to Preserve Your Harvest Without Canning!

On our farm, we preserve a lot of food without canning – and often, it’s easier, faster, and better to leave the canning jars on the shelf. Particularly if you’re not familiar with pressure canning, or if you’re unsure about starting, you might be wondering how you can preserve meat, fruit, or dairy. (You might…