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herb pot for chicken coop
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Try This Adorable DIY Herb Pot for Healthier Backyard Chickens!

So chickens LOVE herbs. Seriously. They LOVE them!   And not only do chickens  love them, but they’re also really good for them too! They’re also perfect to feed for great eggs. So that’s a huge win-win!   I try and incorporate herbs into my chickens’ diet in as many ways as I can. I…

A silhouette of a mosquito on a plant

Do Mosquitoes Bite Chickens? 6 All-Natural Remedies To Protect Your Chickens From Pests

Nothing is worse than being bothered by flying pests. It can make life miserable for you….and, yes, even your chickens! Here 6 ways to keep mosquitoes, flies, and gnats off your chickens so you AND they can enjoy time outside! When it’s the time of year for flying insects to make their presence known, you…

Got itchy kids? Make my favorite homemade bug bite relief Stick in your own kitchen with essential oils! Easy to follow recipe!
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Bug Bite Relief Stick You Can Make Practically For Free

Nothing is worse than bug bites, except watching your kids be really, really unhappy! In this article, I’m going to show you how to make an all-natural, bug bite relief stick. When things get a bit creepy crawly on your skin, you CAN grab a bottle of over-the-counter stuff….but you’re taking your chances. We’re trying…

get rid of bugs on your pets with essential oils
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Bugs Bugging Your Pets? Here’s 3 All Natural Essential Oils You Can Use To Keep Bugs At Bay!

Today, I’m going to show you how you can use essential oils to prevent and deter insects that can bother your pets. With some notable exceptions (which we’ll talk about below), essential oils are safe to use on and around your pets when diluted with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil (on large animals,…