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what seedlings can you start in February?

What Seedlings Can You Start In February? [Planting Guide]

February is usually a dreary month, but it’s also a great month to get started on your garden (I have!). I’m sure you’re wondering “What seedlings can you start in February?,” and you might even think I’m a little bit crazy (I probably am). February is a rather ambitious time of year to start seedlings,…

lemon balm treat for backyard chickens

Wheat Berry & Lemon Balm Happy Tummy Treats

Taking time with your hens is the highlight of anyone’s day, and treats make it all the more special. My hens come running when they see I have goodies (and sometimes jump ON me), and it’s definitely adorable watching how excited they get. Suet cakes (treats made with a fat to bind the ingredients together)…

13 best winter vegetables to grow

13 Best Winter Vegetables To Grow: Ultimate Guide

What are the best winter vegetables to grow?   This year, we purchased a 10 foot by 12 foot greenhouse just so we can grow more vegetables in the colder months here in Southeast Missouri. Just because the days are getting shorter and the temperatures are dropping, it doesn’t mean that you have to set…

Urban neighborhood from arial perspective

Urban Chickens – 7 Hacks for Health and Happiness

One of the questions I get asked the most is: “Can I keep urban chickens even though I live in the city?” And my answer is always a huge YES! Raising chickens is a rewarding and meaningful experience and I highly recommend it to everyone! There are, however, some things that you need to keep…

10 easy frugal feeds chicken water feeder hacks

These 10 Frugal Feeds & Chicken Water Feeder Hacks Are So Easy!

Raising chickens can be as expensive or inexpensive as you want to make it. These 10 frugal feeds and chicken water feeder hacks are easy – and we’ve used them on our farm to help our flock (and our wallets) be healthier! When it comes to raising chickens, I definitely think cutting corners is a…