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best incubators for chicken eggs

Best Incubator: Reviews & Buyer’s Guide

On our farm we’ve hatched a lot of eggs, and now know the best incubator will track both the temperature and humidity. But that’s not all there is to discovering the perfect incubator to hatch chicks. There are various types of chicken egg incubators for sale out there that range from basic to fully automatic….

confessions from the coop duck flock

Will we have new chicks??? Confessions from the Coop (TM)

It finally happened (backyard chicken style). The baby bantams have started laying! My buff cochin hens have started laying the tiniest, perfect brown eggs. I KNOW they’re fertile (thanks to my silkie roosters!), so I’m going to start collecting to hatch them. How cute will that be? Out of all my chickens, the cochin bantams…

backyard chickens
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Naughty Ducks! Confessions from the Coop (TM)

Yesterday, I noticed my ducks aimlessly wandering around the yard, which isn’t supposed to happen – I shut their run door. Yet, there they were, happy as clams, playing in the horse waterers. When I checked the coop, the door was open. Don’t ask me how. But here’s what’s funny: NONE of the chickens…

How To Hatch Chicken Eggs

How to Hatch Chicken Eggs (Even Without Incubators)

Fluffy chicks are the best and learning how to hatch chicken eggs (and hatch eggs at home without an incubator) is a ton of fun! Letting Mother Nature (who knows how to incubate chicken eggs perfectly) do her thing is always best, but if your hens aren’t broody (wanting to sit on eggs) or if…