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backyard chicken eggs
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Why Eggs Are Nature’s Perfect Protein Source

Did you know the perfect protein source is hiding in your backyard? No, it’s not your chickens….it’s their eggs. Turns out, our grandparents who insisted on two eggs for breakfast were onto something. If you’ve been feeling tired lately, put down the caffeine and toss out any commercial energy bars. Instead, pull out your pan…

Homemade granola bars
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10 Simple & Healthy After School Snacks Your Kids Will Love

Can y’all believe it’s back to school season already? I can’t believe that kids are starting to go back to school and that fall is almost here! One thing that I’ve always noticed especially as school gets started again is that it can be SO HARD to find healthy snacks to feed your kids. They…

how to make bone broth

Go-To Guide: How to Make Bone Broth in 5 Easy Steps

You need to make this. Repeat. You need to make this. If there’s anything you should learn as a homesteader, it’s how to make bone broth. Why? Bone marrow is one of the most nutrient-dense food available, and when you make bone broth, you release those locked-up vitamins. If you’re sick, you eat chicken soup, right? This is that…