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backyard chicken eggs
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Why Eggs Are Nature’s Perfect Protein Source

Did you know the perfect protein source is hiding in your backyard? No, it’s not your chickens….it’s their eggs. Turns out, our grandparents who insisted on two eggs for breakfast were onto something. If you’ve been feeling tired lately, put down the caffeine and toss out any commercial energy bars. Instead, pull out your pan…

Red white and blue cupcake

55+ July 4th (All-Natural & Organic) Red, White, & Blue Recipes

4th Of July is almost here…and you’re probably looking for all-natural, organic solutions to cookout staples! It’s really easy to slip during this patriotic holiday, but this article will keep you on track. This is a collection of over 50 recipes for desserts, fruit salads, appetizers, and snacks that you can alter with all-natural, organic…

Oven Baked Eggs With Leeks & Blue Cheese

Oven Baked Eggs With Leeks & Blue Cheese! [Printable Recipe]

From time to time, I try to give my readers recipes so you can use up all those eggs your hens lay. Alas, I am not a chef – not even close! So I invited my friends, Alix and Hugo of A Hedgehog in the Kitchen to share one of their favorite recipes with us…

Got so many eggs you don't know what to do with them? Or just love eggs? Here's 50+ recipes to keep you busy! From FrugalChicken

50+ Egg Recipes That Will Keep You Busy All Season

This time of year, the amount of eggs we have is totally out of control, and we’re always searching for new recipes to use them up. There’s only so many eggs I can scramble! Sometimes we give them to the pigs (a great way to give them variety and extra protein and another big step towards self-sufficiency)….