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Chicken on a perch

Chicken Perches – All About Roosting Rituals

Chickens are special pets with quirky rituals, one of which is roosting on chicken perches. It’s not just a meaningless habit – it’s purposeful and necessary. Intriguing, I know. Come along and learn all the fun details about chicken perches, why chickens roost, the best way to set up roosting bars, and more! What Are…

Walk in chicken coop

Walk-In Chicken Coops — The Truly Practical Guide

There are all kinds of walk-in chicken coops, both complete and ready-to-buy, as well as DIY plans, but there are a lot of things you need to think about before getting (or building) a coop. Trust me when I say, you don’t want to be stuck and irritated with the end result. This should be…

automatic coop door install

Automatic Coop Door Install: Omlet Universal Automatic Chicken Coop Door Review

For this review, we were sent a free Omlet Universal Automatic Chicken Coop Door to test. All opinions are our own and represent our own experience with this product. In this article, we’ll show how we installed the Omlet Universal Automatic Chicken Coop Door in a coop we built ourselves. (We reviewed the automatic coop…

diy chicken feeder ideas for backyard chickens

13 Chicken Feeder Ideas: No-Waste, PVC, & More!

If you’re raising backyard chickens, then you’ve likely also come across the pesky problem of raising mice and rats. A good quality feeder solves unwanted food freeloaders and keeps your feed fresh and bacteria free. In this article, you’ll find DIY chicken feeder ideas that’ll keep your coop a clean and happy place for your…

diy well pump

Easy DIY Well Pump Install (Off Grid)

Other reading: Best Waterers for Backyard Chickens DIY Automatic Waterers     Maat van UitertMaat van Uitert is a backyard chicken and sustainable living expert. She is also the author of Chickens: Naturally Raising A Sustainable Flock, which was a best seller in it’s Amazon category.  Maat has been featured on NBC, CBS, AOL Finance, Community Chickens,…