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The Best Bedding For Backyard Chickens [Podcast]

The Best Bedding For Backyard Chickens [Podcast]

If you’ve ever asked yourself “what’s the best bedding for a chicken coop,” the first thing you should know is, for some reason, this is a very controversial topic in the chicken world. I think it is very interesting how people get emotional about something as simple as the best bedding for a chicken coop,…

Save Money On Chicken Feed: 8 Ways To Save Mega Bucks When Feeding Your Chickens What The Cluck?! Session 10 [Podcast]

Save Money On Chicken Feed: 8 Ways To Save Mega Bucks When Feeding Your Chickens What The Cluck?! Session 10 [Podcast]

Save money on chicken feed. Wouldn’t we all like to know how to do that? Since we began keeping chickens many moons ago, I’ve searched for ways to raising happy, healthy chickens while not breaking the bank. (Want extra help? Grab my book Chickens: Naturally Raising A Sustainable Flock!) Over the years, I’ve come up with plenty…

Chicken Mistakes: Don’t Make These 5 Mistakes With Your Flock! (They’re Not What You Think!) [Podcast]

Chicken Mistakes: Don’t Make These 5 Mistakes With Your Flock! (They’re Not What You Think!) [Podcast]

Please, don’t make these 5 common mistakes I see chicken owners making. In this podcast episode of What The Cluck?! we cover 5 mistakes I see chicken owners making, and how to avoid these pitfalls.  These are simple mistakes to make, but can have a big – and long term – impact on your flock.  You’ll learn:…

Chickens Not Laying? Here’s Why. Session 2 Of “What The Cluck?” [Podcast]

Chickens Not Laying? Here’s Why. Session 2 Of “What The Cluck?” [Podcast]

If your chickens are not laying, it’s a super frustrating position to be in. In this session of What The Cluck?! we discuss the various reasons why hens stop laying and what you can do about it. We cover: Ages chickens start laying Vitamin and mineral deficiencies that can slow egg production Nutritional needs of laying hens…