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Anatomy of a chicken egg diagram

Know Your Eggs! Chicken Egg Anatomy Explained!

How well do you know your chicken’s eggs? Knowing chicken egg anatomy is very useful for more than one reason. In fact, it can tell you a number of things about your hen’s health – for example, whether your hen is stressed or even sick. So it’s important to know about the different parts so…

Soft Shelled egg being held by a hand

Chickens Laying Soft Eggs? 4 Reasons Why (And What To Do)

If you have chickens laying soft eggs and aren’t sure what to do about it, you’re in luck because I have plenty of answers. Soft eggs, also called shell-less eggs, soft-shell eggs, partially shelled eggs, or rubber eggs can be a sign of a few different factors, such as illness, age, and diet. Some of…

Got funky eggs? Abnormal chicken eggs happen to all of us - it's just a matter of time. Here's 10 weird eggs and everything you need to know. From FrugalChicken

10 Abnormal Chicken Eggs & What You Need To Know!

Abnormal chicken eggs: If you own chickens, it’s just a matter of time before you get one that makes you scratch your head and wonder “What the heck?” Don’t worry. Usually, abnormal eggs just happen, and although they can mean your chicken is sick or stressed, they aren’t necessarily something to be concerned about.  (New to chicken keeping?…