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Using Eggshells In the Garden – It Improved Our Tomatoes 100%
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Using Eggshells In the Garden – It Improved Our Tomatoes 100%

Problem tomatoes with brown and black spots on the ends? Fix this by using eggshells in the garden! These are symptoms of calcium deficiency – and your garden needs some serious first aid! You CAN fix it – if you’re fast enough! That’s where your leftover eggshells come in. If you have chickens or eat a…

10 Strategic Tips for Choosing the Best Perennial Plants for Your Garden

10 Strategic Tips for Choosing the Best Perennial Plants for Your Garden

Spring is here….and like everyone, we’re not just planting vegetables, but we’re looking to establish permanent flower beds to liven up duller parts of the homestead. I don’t exactly have the greenest thumb out there, and perennials certainly aren’t my area of expertise, so I’ve invited my friend Valerie of Aspiring Homemaker to tell us how…

12 Vegetables You Can Start Now In Cold Frames! [Planting Guide!]

12 Vegetables You Can Start Now In Cold Frames! [Planting Guide!]

With spring on the way, you’re probably wondering “What vegetables can be started in cold frames?” (Want to grow a non-GMO organic heirloom garden? Click here to get the exact seeds I use in my gardens!) There’s plenty you can do in your garden (in cold frames, that is!), even if frost is still in…