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Backyard chicken with chicks

Chicken Wire = Dead Flock?? Confessions from the Coop

Someone commented on my latest YouTube video that if you use chicken wire, you’ll definitely lose your backyard chicken flock. I think it’s funny when people say this or that will DEFINITELY happen – especially if “that thing” runs against the grain of their opinion. When it comes to chickens and ducks, you should always…

Pretty black and white rooster on wooden fence
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Can Chickens Lay Eggs Without A Rooster?

A very common question I get about backyard chickens is “Can chickens lay eggs without a rooster?”  Now, if you’ve asked yourself this question (or a similar question about chickens laying eggs), and you are still confused, or if you’ve asked someone else, and they’ve laughed at you mercilessly, don’t worry. So, can chickens lay…

Gorgeous Rooster standing in grass

Adding A Rooster To Your Flock: Care & Quirks

A good rooster is like gold – seriously. The purpose of a rooster is, above all, to protect your hens. Their ability to fertilize their eggs is another benefit, albeit a secondary one. In addition to adding beauty to your flock, a good rooster will take care of your hens and provide you with companionship…