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pumpkins halloween chickens
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How To Keep Your Chickens Safe On Halloween

So I’m a huge fan of Halloween! I think it’s so fun for kids and I love the costumes, the pumpkins, and all of the fall decorations. However, especially if you’re raising chickens in an urban or suburban area, Halloween can be a pretty stressful and scary time for your chickens. So today we’re going…

Do raccoons eat chickens? Here's what you need to know to keep your backyard flock safe!
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Do Raccoons Eat Chickens? Here’s What You Need To Know!

A common question I’m asked by new owners is “do raccoons eat chickens?” Unfortunately, I’m usually contacted by someone after they find their chickens dead in their coop, and they can’t figure out what attacked their birds. So, do raccoons eat chickens? The short answer is yes. Although we love our chickens and view them…

Think temperature doesn't matter for chicks? Think again. Don't be that chicken owner.

Can I Keep Chicks In The House? What Killed My Chicks?, Are Heatlamps Necessary? Why Do Chickens Roll? Do Chicks Need Nesting Box Training? [Podcast]

Chicks, raccoon drama, chickens rolling, and nesting boxes are all on the table for today’s episode of What The Cluck?! In today’s podcast, I answer your questions, and we got some great ones this week. Like you, I’ve run to the feed store to buy some chicks, so it seems appropriate that most of this…