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Can Chickens Fly – Chicken Superpowers Explored!

Can Chickens Fly – Chicken Superpowers Explored!

Can chickens fly? Grab your boarding pass and discover more about chickens and whether or not they have this superpower. Some chicken breeds do have flying superpowers, and some do not. Even within a specific breed, some individual chickens can fly, and some cannot. In this article, we’ll take a deeper look at the question…

Which Bantams Lay Great Eggs?

Which Bantams Lay Great Eggs?

Oh, bantams, you infinitely cute and cuddly chickens. What is it about small chickens that just turn our knees to jelly? Is it really just because they’re smaller? Or maybe it’s because they’re adorable AND they lay eggs?  It could also be their attitudes. Most bantam breeds are just the sweetest birds. They really are…

Why Mille Fleur d’Uccle Chickens Are The Best Pets

Why Mille Fleur d’Uccle Chickens Are The Best Pets

Thought about adding Mille Fleur d’Uccle chickens to your flock? Not sure if they’re right for you? Read on, and discover this wonderful breed! The Mille Fleur d’Uccle is a small bantam whose heart is massive. It is a chicken who loves affection – and reciprocates. Their speckled feathering is lovely and captivates all who look upon…