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Dorking chicken standing on dirt covered area

Dorking Chicken Breed – Delightful Fluffers

If you are like me, when you hear the name Dorking chicken you are imagining a chicken with glasses that has tape wrapped around the center 🥸. However, the Dorking chicken breed is pretty cool 😎…but not often heard of. Prepare to be captivated by their rich history, their fluffy appearance, and the wonderful contributions…

Australorp chickens

All About Australorp Chickens and Where To Buy Them

If you’re looking to learn about the Australorp chicken breed AND want to know the best hatcheries to buy them from, then congratulations! You’ve found the best one-stop shopping guide for Australorp chickens!  Australorp Chickens (especially the black variant) are gaining popularity because they’re excellent layers of brown eggs AND a great option for meat…