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Best baby chick waterers

Best Chick Waterers To Prevent Drowning

From the day your chicks hatch, they will need a good chicken waterer to help them have 24 hour access to water.  You don’t want them getting dehydrated! There’s lots of options, which are all equally good. Whichever you decide, you’ve got to pay attention to the amount of water and the size of the…

Keeping Hens In Water Over Winter

The Big Chill: How To Keep Your Hens Hydrated Over Winter [Podcast]

Winter is well on its way…which means keeping your hens flush with water will get a little bit harder. You can always use an electric water heater….but I know most of you don’t have electricity out to your coop. In this podcast, we cover how to provide water when the mercury dips, as well as…

Chicken standing next to container full of water

Keep Your Chicken’s Water From Freezing (Without Electricity)

Let’s face it. It’s pretty hard to keep your chicken’s water from freezing without electricity in the winter. When the cold arrives, I struggle to keep the chicken’s drinking water from turning into a frozen block. And without a water heater? It can certainly seem daunting. I know many of you are worrying about how…