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What to buy at the farmers market in December!

What To Buy At The Farmer’s Market: December

Can you believe it’s almost winter? I am not ready for the nice fall weather to go away! December can be a tricky month for shopping at the farmer’s market, depending on where you live. If you live somewhere that gets FREEZING cold in the winter, like I do, you’ll be lucky if you can…

Delicious pumpkin pie
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What To Buy At The Farmer’s Market This Month: Thanksgiving Edition

Can you believe that it’s almost November? I feel like this year has flown past! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I am so excited for this year! I love to find seasonal foods at my local farmer’s market for Thanksgiving. Eating local food tastes sooo much better and that makes it perfect for Thanksgiving!…

Fresh organic pumpkins
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What To Buy At The Farmer’s Market This Month: September

It’s fall y’all! I LOVE fall especially at the farmer’s market! I know all anyone can think about this month is pumpkin spice, but I’m over here dreaming about the yummy fruits and vegetables I’ll be able to buy at the farmer’s market in September. In my area farmer’s markets are in full swing in…

farmers market
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Here’s What To Buy At The Farmer’s Market This Month: August

I love fresh locally grown fruits and vegetables. To me, there’s nothing better than eating delicious home grown produce. I love growing my own produce in my garden, but I know that’s not an option for everyone. While I was in college and living in an apartment, I thought eating locally would be tricky, if…