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get rid of bugs on your pets with essential oils
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Bugs Bugging Your Pets? Here’s 3 All Natural Essential Oils You Can Use To Keep Bugs At Bay!

Today, I’m going to show you how you can use essential oils to prevent and deter insects that can bother your pets. With some notable exceptions (which we’ll talk about below), essential oils are safe to use on and around your pets when diluted with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil (on large animals,…

A Cluckin' Good Time airs on the FrugalChicken Facebook page at 7pm EST on Sundays
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A Cluckin’ Good Time: Episode 1 [Live Stream]

A Cluckin’ Good Time is a Facebook Live Stream Show that I’ve developed along with my friend, Mindy Young of Farm Fit Living. We talk about homesteading, kitchen hacks, chickens, goats, livestock, and pretty much anything that we think of. Lots of audience participation! A Cluckin’ Good Time airs Sunday nights at 7pm EST/6pm Central….