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It's June! Wonder what you can still plant?
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It’s June…Here’s 17 Vegetables You Can Still Plant For a Full Fall Harvest!

It maybe June (can you believe we’re halfway through the year?), but there’s still plenty you can plant for a late summer/fall harvest! (This is an excerpt from my #1 Amazon Bestselling book Organic By Choice: The (Secret) Rebel’s Guide To Backyard Gardening. If you want a great resource to help you grow everything listed…

10 easy frugal feeds chicken water feeder hacks

These 10 Frugal Feeds & Chicken Water Feeder Hacks Are So Easy!

Raising chickens can be as expensive or inexpensive as you want to make it. These 10 frugal feeds and chicken water feeder hacks are easy – and we’ve used them on our farm to help our flock (and our wallets) be healthier! When it comes to raising chickens, I definitely think cutting corners is a…

Low on space? Here's how to maximize it with vertical gardening!
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Maximize Space & Get Bigger Harvests With A Vertical Garden!

What do you do when the place you call home doesn’t have room to accommodate your love of gardening? What do you do when you want to feed your family as frugally as possible without sacrificing nutrition or resorting to frequent fast food meals? How about re-thinking your living space? Vertical gardening is a smart…

101 Delicious Pickle Recipes You Can Make Practically For Free

100+ Crazy Delicious Pickle Recipes You Can Make Practically For Free

When your garden is in full swing, and you’re harvesting more than you can eat, what do you do? Preserve your hard won vegetables of course! Even if you shop at the farmer’s market, chances are, you won’t be able to pass up that great deal on cauliflower, radishes, and more, right? Pickling your veggies is…

Why I homestead

Why Homestead: An Insider’s Look

  Why homestead. This is the eternal question every homesteader must answer. Why do we do it? Why reinvent the wheel of sorts, why put out the effort? If you ask different homesteaders, “Why Homestead?” their answers are as varied as they are thematic. Usually, it’s something to do with getting back to a simpler life, reducing a…