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Chicken eating fermented chicken feed

Fermented Chicken Feed: Why & How To Ferment Chicken Feed

Fermented chicken feed is gaining popularity, and it’s something I like to incorporate on our homestead. It’s not for everyone, and I certainly have readers that are shy about fermenting anything. It’s understandable, but chicken feed is especially easy to ferment correctly. Although you might be a little wary (I was once too!), if you ferment…

fermenting chick starter

Ferment Chicken Feed Safely With These Strategies!

With these tips, you can ferment chick starter feed safely! Chickens need feed. That is an unavoidable fact. With the right feed, chickens will grow up big and healthy, and then your darling feathery friends will give you all the love that they have.  While all feed is good, there are easy adjustments that you…