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Feathers all over the ground

Chicken Feather Loss: Why Is This Happening?

Why are my chicken’s feathers falling out?!?!? Chicken feather loss is one of the top topics I get questions about. There are many reasons why your chicken’s feathers might be falling out. I’ll go through some of the main ones today and give you tips on what you should do. The top reasons chickens lose…

diatomaceous earth for chickens

Diatomaceous Earth For Chickens: What’s The Deal?

What is diatomaceous earth? And what are the benefits of diatomaceous earth to chickens? No worries. I had no clue either. We started using DE (diatomaceous earth) on our farm a while ago, and haven’t looked back since. We had a number of Cornish Cross chickens that had gotten so large they couldn’t clean themselves very…

Chicken surrounded with mites illustration

Chicken Mites: Fast & All Natural Solutions

Chicken mites can literally suck the life out of your hens. They’re pests that can cause a lot of health issues. You need to eliminate them from your coop as fast as possible. In this article, you’ll discover how to spot these tiny insects on your chicken AND in your coop. You’ll also find options…

Your chicken emergency kit needs to include these critical items!

Chicken Emergency Kits: Making Stressful Situations Less Intimidating!

It’s always a very good idea to create your own chicken emergency kit – and in this article, I’m going to give you ideas about what to keep in it. While we all might like to think our chicken-keeping experience will be bucolic and without any trouble, the straight truth is you will likely come…