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Chicken in flight with blurred background

Can Chickens Fly – Chicken Superpowers Explored!

Can chickens fly? Grab your boarding pass and discover more about chickens and whether or not they have this superpower. Some chicken breeds do have flying superpowers, and some do not. Even within a specific breed, some individual chickens can fly, and some cannot. In this article, we’ll take a deeper look at the question…

White Jersey Giant hen standing with greenery behine her

Top 10 Largest Chicken Breeds That Are Also Great Pets

You might be surprised at the largest chicken breed, or you might already have an idea of the winner. Giant chicken breeds are a great addition to any backyard flock! They have a presence, they’re usually very beautiful, they definitely resemble tiny dinosaurs, and you’ll enjoy watching them! With each of the breeds in this…

Frizzle Chicken
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Frizzle Chickens: Buyer’s Guide & Care

Thinking of buying Frizzle chickens? Here’s everything you need to know about these unique birds, and the best places to buy them! Looking back at the first time I ever learned about frizzle chickens, I remember I was REALLY excited to add these crazy-looking creatures to my flock! I finally did, but learning about this…

Bantam Chickens

Bantam Chickens: Owner’s Guide

Looking for an adorable new personality for your lively backyard flock? Then a tiny bantam chicken might be a perfect match for you! These chickens are essentially smaller versions of regular chicken breeds, however, they make for good pets because they are super friendly AND they lay a lot of eggs that are just as…

chicken breeds faverolles

Chicken Breeds: Egg Layers, Giant Chickens, & More!

If you’re searching for the perfect chicken breeds for your backyard, you’re in the right place! Although “perfect” usually means different things to different people – what’s perfect in your eyes might not be for someone else – knowing what types of chickens suits your needs and interests will help you build your ideal flock….