Cochin chicken posing with blurred background

Cochin Chickens: Eggs, Colors, Personalities & More!

Be ready to fall in love with a big fluffy, friendly mass feathers when you start raising Cochin chickens! Whether you raise the full-size version or a bantam cochin chicken, you’re sure to have a new best friend! We own several cochin chickens, including 2 bantams, and they’re the friendliest, cuddliest chickens in our flock….

Backyard chicken with chicks

Chicken Wire = Dead Flock?? Confessions from the Coop

Someone commented on my latest YouTube video that if you use chicken wire, you’ll definitely lose your backyard chicken flock. I think it’s funny when people say this or that will DEFINITELY happen – especially if “that thing” runs against the grain of their opinion. When it comes to chickens and ducks, you should always…

silkie pullet chicken

Confessions from the Coop: Who’s Laying??

In this Confessions from the Coop series, I share a “behind the scenes” glimpse of life on the farm! Enjoy! This week, it’s been all about construction on the farm. Well, construction and filming for my new web show series! (Stay tuned for more info about that!) I’ve decided I’m building the ducklings a new…