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13 best winter vegetables to grow

13 Best Winter Vegetables To Grow: Ultimate Guide

What are the best winter vegetables to grow?   This year, we purchased a 10 foot by 12 foot greenhouse just so we can grow more vegetables in the colder months here in Southeast Missouri. Just because the days are getting shorter and the temperatures are dropping, it doesn’t mean that you have to set…

Here's 3 genius square foot gardening layouts that are perfect for raised beds. Square foot gardening for beginners just got easier!

3 Square Foot Gardening Layouts That Are Genius Time Savers

Longing for the days when people used to grow their own vegetables through traditional sweat and dirt…..but don’t have the time? Well, it’s time to get off your butt. Consider this your call to action: a beginner’s guide to square foot gardening layouts. (This article is an excerpt from my best selling gardening book, Organic…

herbs you can grow in your kitchen

Want Gourmet Ingredients Right At Your Fingertips? Grow These 10 Easy But Oh-So-Delicious Herbs!

Have you ever moved to a new home and realized you didn’t quite know what you were getting into? That’s what happened when we moved to our farm. We were very used to easy sources for herbs, creme fraiche, and other yummy ingredients. (Want more great down-home gardening advice? Grab your copy of my new…

5 all-natural coop sprays made with essential oils

Essential Oil Coop Sprays for Healthier Backyard Chickens [Podcast]

Using store-bought chemical cleaners in your coop is a recipe for disaster. On our homestead, we try to stick with all-natural cleaners – who wants an egg full of toxins, right? I’ve found that essential oils are a great natural alternative that promote a healthier living environment and might even help your chickens lay better! (A…