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automatic coop door chickenguard

DIY Automatic Coop Door With ChickenGuard

Building your own DIY automatic coop door is easy with a ChickenGuard Automatic Coop Door Opener! (For this article, ChickenGuard provided us with a free Automatic Coop Door Opener. This article reflects my own personal opinions using this product). With the hot summers and chilly winters (with lots of freezing rain) in Southeast Missouri, making…

pumpkins halloween chickens
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How To Keep Your Chickens Safe On Halloween

So I’m a huge fan of Halloween! I think it’s so fun for kids and I love the costumes, the pumpkins, and all of the fall decorations. However, especially if you’re raising chickens in an urban or suburban area, Halloween can be a pretty stressful and scary time for your chickens. So today we’re going…

Beautiful scene with orange leaves on trees over road in the Fall

What To Do In Your Coop In October – Checklist

It’s fall, y’all….and that means you gotta make sure your backyard chickens are ready before the cold sets in. You need to know what to do in your coop in October! I know in some parts of Canada (looking at you, Alberta) that it’s already snowing….but for most of the United States, it’s just starting…

Young chicken on roosting bar

When Do Chicks Roost?

Wondering “When do chicks roost?” Full-grown chickens look most at home when they’re roosting, don’t they? Roosting is when chickens settle in on a roost to rest safely.  It’s an important part of their lives because it symbolizes an authentic feeling of security, which, for a prey animal, is very important. Chickens don’t start out…