Do raccoons eat chickens? Here's what you need to know to keep your backyard flock safe!
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Do Raccoons Eat Chickens? Here’s What You Need To Know!

A common question I’m asked by new owners is “do raccoons eat chickens?” Unfortunately, I’m usually contacted by someone after they find their chickens dead in their coop, and they can’t figure out what attacked their birds. So, do raccoons eat chickens? The short answer is yes. Although we love our chickens and view them…

Train Your Chickens To Come When Called In Just A Couple Weeks With These Tips!

Train Your Chickens To Come When Called In Just 3 Weeks!

There’s a lot of advantages to train your chickens to come when called, including keeping them safe from predators. It’s also pretty fun to see these tiny little dinosaurs come running, excited for their treat (mealworms are a favorite). We used to have a Rhode Island Red hen named Daisy who would not just come running,…

6 questions to ask before getting chickens

6 Questions To Ask Before Getting Chickens [Podcast]

There’s no point in getting chickens if you’re not prepared…and preparation includes more than just buying a coop and some chicks. Every year, I get messages from new chicken owners who got chicks at their local feed store….and they’re a bit over their heads. There’s a consistent theme to their questions and concerns that could…

Being able to defend your flock from chicken predators can make or break your success keeping chickens. In this podcast, you'll learn how to identify what's killing your chickens based on some tell-tale signs, and how to protect your flock.

Identifying Common Chicken Predators & What Killed Your Chicken: ‘What The Cluck?!’ Session 13 [Podcast]

Chicken predators, opossums in particular, are the bane of my existence on the homestead. In this episode of What The Cluck?! we discuss 5 common chicken predators. Far and away, the most common predator we deal with on the homestead are opossums.  When it comes to chicken predators, you always have to be on alert, because they…