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organic gardening supplies

13 Organic Gardening Supplies Every Woman Needs

Getting started with gardening this year? Feeling overwhelmed? (Or just want to get it right the first time?) You need help in choosing the right organic gardening supplies. You can choose to grow organic for life and you can start today. With the right tools, gardening becomes easy, enjoyable, and successful. Let’s do a quick…

New to small space gardening? Here's 3 Square Foot Gardening Plant Spacing Ideas for beginner gardeners!

3 Square Foot Gardening Plant Spacing Ideas

Square foot gardening plant spacing seems like it should be simple, but if you don’t take companion planting into consideration, then you run the risk of your garden turning into a total flop. NOTHING is worse than doing everything right, only to have a garden that doesn’t yield anything. Ask me how I know –…

Amish black drawing salve is a centuries-old traditional recipe. Here;'s how to make it in your own kitchen!
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Amish Black Drawing Salve Homemade Recipe

Have you ever been weeding or working with wood, and come inside with pricklies under your skin? Then you’ll want to grab a jar of my favorite Amish Black Drawing Salve! Amish Black Drawing Salve is a traditional recipe that’s found a resurgence in our modern times – and it’s pretty easy to make yourself….