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Araucana Chicken

Araucana Chickens – Extremely Rare Breed Worth Checking Out

The Araucana Chicken Breed is extremely rare and that is precisely the thing that draws chickens lovers to them. Araucana’s are so often confused with the Ameraucana and Easter Egger breeds, but they are very different if you know what you are looking for. We will explore this unique and rare breed, it’s characteristics, and…

Chicken in flight with blurred background

Can Chickens Fly – Chicken Superpowers Explored!

Can chickens fly? Grab your boarding pass and discover more about chickens and whether or not they have this superpower. Some chicken breeds do have flying superpowers, and some do not. Even within a specific breed, some individual chickens can fly, and some cannot. In this article, we’ll take a deeper look at the question…

ameraucana chickens

Ameraucana Chickens: Know Before You Buy!

Ameraucana chickens have beautiful eyes, multicolored feathers, and lay lovely blue eggs. But that’s not all this breed offers. Read more! With the Ameraucana chickens large, expressive eyes and cartoon look, they could just be the inspiration you need to become a “crazy chicken person.” And there’s a whole lot more to this rare chicken…

Two red colored chickens up close with blurred background

How Much Does It Cost To Own A Chicken? Egg Cost Comparison

Many beginners wonder “How much does it cost to own a chicken?” And in this article, we’re going to talk specifics about how chicken keeping can affect your wallet. Like many things in life, you can make chicken keeping as expensive or inexpensive as you want. Now, just how much does it cost to own…

Cream Legbar standing in green grass

Cream Legbars – A Dream Come True

Pet birds don’t get much better than Cream Legbar chickens. They lay blue eggs and you can tell which are males and which are females seconds after they hatch – super dreamy indeed! This fascinating breed of chicken is a relative newcomer to the backyard flock scene, but because of their good looks, excellent egg-laying…