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Welsummer Chickens

Welsummer Chickens – Iconic Chickens With a Royal Twist

Welsummer chickens are loved by so many, find out what makes them such great backyard birds. This breed holds a special place in my heart as my very first rooster was a Welsummer. I wanted that iconic rooster – with a boisterous, large full tail sporting plenty of beautiful, shiny green feathers! As far as I knew, it…

eggs laid by chickens that lay colored eggs

12 Chickens That Lay Colored Eggs: Blue, Green, Chocolate, and Pink!

Every backyard flock owner dreams of raising chickens that lay colored eggs. Who doesn’t want a paint box of vibrant colors in your morning basket? But first, you need hens that lay colored eggs – so you gotta know which breeds LAY colored eggs! In this article, you’ll discover which chicken breeds lay: Blue eggs…

Finally! An egg!

After many months of being on strike, my red hen finally laid an egg. In reality, I think the low daylight hours effected her, so I added a light to their new coop, followed by a few threats about the stew pot. (Don’t let anyone tell you threats of the pot don’t work because THEY…