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A silhouette of a mosquito on a plant

Do Mosquitoes Bite Chickens? 6 All-Natural Remedies To Protect Your Chickens From Pests

Nothing is worse than being bothered by flying pests. It can make life miserable for you….and, yes, even your chickens! Here 6 ways to keep mosquitoes, flies, and gnats off your chickens so you AND they can enjoy time outside! When it’s the time of year for flying insects to make their presence known, you…

5 Pro tips to get rid of mosquitoes!

5 Pro Tips To Repel Mosquitos For Good This Summer!

The warm, sunshiny, fun-loving, carefree days of summer are almost here! That means the kids will be out of school, and your family will spend more time outside playing, gardening, and entertaining. While those days are eagerly anticipated all year long, they also bring mosquitoes out in droves – especially around homesteads that have animals…