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You CAN preserve food without canning - here's 10+ ways to do it!
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10+ Ways to Preserve Your Harvest Without Canning!

On our farm, we preserve a lot of food without canning – and often, it’s easier, faster, and better to leave the canning jars on the shelf. Particularly if you’re not familiar with pressure canning, or if you’re unsure about starting, you might be wondering how you can preserve meat, fruit, or dairy. (You might…

Have too many eggs to eat? Want to preserve them for winter but not sure how? Here's 4 time tested, surefire ways to preserve eggs, complete with directions. From FrugalChicken
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4 Time Tested Techniques To Preserve Eggs (And Some 19th Century Methods!)

Back in the old homesteading days (and even in some modern-day cultures), it was important to preserve eggs during the summer months since hens will decrease (or stop) their egg production in winter. It was an important part of survival to preserve eggs during more bountiful times for those leaner times, especially out on the…