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A silhouette of a mosquito on a plant

Do Mosquitoes Bite Chickens? 6 All-Natural Remedies To Protect Your Chickens From Pests

Nothing is worse than being bothered by flying pests. It can make life miserable for you….and, yes, even your chickens! Here 6 ways to keep mosquitoes, flies, and gnats off your chickens so you AND they can enjoy time outside! When it’s the time of year for flying insects to make their presence known, you…

If your organic garden has been invaded by wasps, chances are you’re probably wondering how to get rid of wasps naturally.
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Get Rid Of Wasps Naturally and Practically For Free!

If your organic garden has been invaded by wasps, chances are you’re probably wondering how to get rid of wasps naturally. While they make great pollinators, unfortunately, if wasps have decided you’re invading their territory, you might be getting stung – which can put a damper on any fun garden activities very quickly. Similarly, wasp…

Fly spray with essential oils

The Best All-Natural Bug Spray Using Essential Oils!

Bug season is upon us….and when you have as many animals as we do, you have a LOT of flies! I used to buy store-bought bug sprays, but after many years working at the FDA, I know what’s in them…and there’s natural options I prefer to use, especially on my kids. (A lot of you…

Fly up close

Natural Fly Repellent You Can Make In Your Kitchen (Really)

Tired of dangerous chemicals in your fly repellent? Me too. Want a natural alternative? Cool, I have one. It’s a dilemma we have every summer – do we suffer the flies and other pesky insects or load ourselves with questionable chemicals? There was a time when we would use any fly repellent that worked –…