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Feathers all over the ground

Chicken Feather Loss: Why Is This Happening?

Why are my chicken’s feathers falling out?!?!? Chicken feather loss is one of the top topics I get questions about. There are many reasons why your chicken’s feathers might be falling out. I’ll go through some of the main ones today and give you tips on what you should do. The top reasons chickens lose…

A white and black chicken perched on a snow covered branch

How To Keep Your Chickens Laying Through The Winter

Today we’re going to talk about how to keep your chickens laying through winter. And since mine have started to drop off in production, this is a topic near and dear to my heart. There are many reasons why a hen can drop off production in the winter, and we’re going to look at reasons…


5 Backyard Chicken Friendly High Protein Treats For Fall

As the days get shorter, and your backyard chickens begin to molt, you might want to supplement their diet with high protein treats. And luckily, there’s lots of options! Molting is a normal process in the fall – it’s when chickens start losing their feathers to regrow new ones. By the time it’s super chilly,…

Close up of two hens with minor feather loss from molting

Got Chickens Molting? Here’s What To Do.

Molting chickens can be stressful because, well, your flock looks naked and like they’re unhealthy. In fact, they can look like they’ve been to hell and back. They can look scruffy, and you might worry that they’re sick. And you might even take them to the vet! When we say “chickens molting,” you might wonder…


Molting Mania: Dealing With Feather Loss & Winter Care [Podcast]

Ahhh….molting. It’s a crazy annual event that can definitely freak you out if you’re new to backyard chickens. While molting is a totally natural process, if you’ve never experienced it, you might wonder how best to support your flock while they regrow their feathers. In this podcast, you’ll learn: Why you should never handle your…