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Two red colored chickens up close with blurred background

How Much Does It Cost To Own A Chicken? Egg Cost Comparison

Many beginners wonder “How much does it cost to own a chicken?” And in this article, we’re going to talk specifics about how chicken keeping can affect your wallet. Like many things in life, you can make chicken keeping as expensive or inexpensive as you want. Now, just how much does it cost to own…

Barred Rock rooster perched on wooden rail in barn doorway

Barred Rock Chickens: Buyer’s Guide

Barred Rock Chickens – What’s not to love about this striking breed? Discover all you need to know about this all-time favorite. When we first started keeping hens, Barred Rocks were our choice. Barred Rock chickens are one of the most well-known breeds out there — and subsequently, one of the most popular. Once upon…

Polish Chicken on all white background

Polish Chickens: Eggs, Colors, & More

Polish chickens are cute, quirky poultry friends that are a true delight to have in your flock. They have a natural talent to shine in the coop or shows. They’re adorable, friendly, full of personality, have a loving temperament, and make great companions. In this article, you’ll discover everything you need to know about Polish…

Black Chicken Breeds Silhouettes on all white background

Black Chicken Breeds: Ultimate List

Just like every woman needs a little black dress — every backyard flock needs black chicken breeds. Why? Because they are beautiful, elegant, and classy…and every flock should have at least one classy chick. 🐥 Luckily, black chicken breeds can be found easily in hatcheries and by private sellers. If you’re interested in getting to…