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Beautiful scene with orange leaves on trees over road in the Fall

What To Do In Your Coop In October – Checklist

It’s fall, y’all….and that means you gotta make sure your backyard chickens are ready before the cold sets in. You need to know what to do in your coop in October! I know in some parts of Canada (looking at you, Alberta) that it’s already snowing….but for most of the United States, it’s just starting…

Chicken standing next to container full of water

Keep Your Chicken’s Water From Freezing (Without Electricity)

Let’s face it. It’s pretty hard to keep your chicken’s water from freezing without electricity in the winter. When the cold arrives, I struggle to keep the chicken’s drinking water from turning into a frozen block. And without a water heater? It can certainly seem daunting. I know many of you are worrying about how…