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Black Soldier Fly Larvae: Superfood For Backyard Chickens!

Black Soldier Fly Larvae: Superfood For Backyard Chickens!

Black soldier fly larvae superfood for chickens are like candy for your backyard flock. In other words, hens LOOOOOVVEEEE them. Many times, we’ve gone out to our coop to give the flock a surprise, and within mere moments, they’ve snatched all the black soldier fly larvae out of our hands! The nutritional content of these…

“Natural Flavorings” You Should Avoid Unless You Want To Eat Beaver Butt

“Natural Flavorings” You Should Avoid Unless You Want To Eat Beaver Butt

Did you know natural colors and flavorings found in everyday foods are derived from nature (from some…interesting sources, which we’ll get into) but are so over processed they’re actually only slightly different than their artificial counterparts? Just the other day, I purchased a drink. Of course, I read the label, which listed “natural flavors” as…