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sugar free english egg custard

Perfectly YUMMY Sugar-Free English Egg Custard!

Traditional English egg custard is super simple to make, but gives you an AMAZING dessert to make with all those eggs your flock lays. With this recipe, we’ve turned tradition a bit on its side with our sugar-free English egg custard – and it’s just as tasty! We’ve replaced sugar with sucralose (you can also…

how to store garlic long term #garlic
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How To Store Garlic Long Term

Did you plant cloves of spicy-smelling garlic and now you’re wondering how to store garlic long term? Garlic is a wonderful addition to any garden, and it’s a wonderful sense of satisfaction harvest it – especially after you cure it and realize you won’t be needing to buy garlic from the grocery store anymore! The…

Safely overwintering honeybees is easy. Here's 5 things you should know.

Overwintering Honeybees: 5 Things You Need To Know!

I’m no bee expert, and I’m certainly not an expert in overwintering honey bees. But bees are a growing interest of mine – and having a bee-keeping mentor is really, really important to having success with our honey making friends So, I invited my friend Jessica from the Faithful Farm Wife to educate us about…

You CAN preserve food without canning - here's 10+ ways to do it!
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10+ Ways to Preserve Your Harvest Without Canning!

On our farm, we preserve a lot of food without canning – and often, it’s easier, faster, and better to leave the canning jars on the shelf. Particularly if you’re not familiar with pressure canning, or if you’re unsure about starting, you might be wondering how you can preserve meat, fruit, or dairy. (You might…

Amish black drawing salve is a centuries-old traditional recipe. Here;'s how to make it in your own kitchen!
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Amish Black Drawing Salve Homemade Recipe

Have you ever been weeding or working with wood, and come inside with pricklies under your skin? Then you’ll want to grab a jar of my favorite Amish Black Drawing Salve! Amish Black Drawing Salve is a traditional recipe that’s found a resurgence in our modern times – and it’s pretty easy to make yourself….

Can I substitute honey for sugar? In this article, I show you how to do it, so you end up with great baked goods every time!
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Substitute Honey For Sugar & Get Perfect Baked Goods [Conversion Chart]

Looking at an empty bag of sugar, but eyeing a bottle of honey and wondering, “how can I substitute honey for sugar?” In this article, I’m going to show you how substituting honey for sugar is really easy, and how to make sure the honey to sugar conversion OR the sugar to honey conversion doesn’t effect the…