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Amish black drawing salve is a centuries-old traditional recipe. Here;'s how to make it in your own kitchen!
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Amish Black Drawing Salve Homemade Recipe

Have you ever been weeding or working with wood, and come inside with pricklies under your skin? Then you’ll want to grab a jar of my favorite Amish Black Drawing Salve! Amish Black Drawing Salve is a traditional recipe that’s found a resurgence in our modern times – and it’s pretty easy to make yourself….

Your chicken emergency kit needs to include these critical items!

Chicken Emergency Kits: Making Stressful Situations Less Intimidating!

It’s always a very good idea to create your own chicken emergency kit – and in this article, I’m going to give you ideas about what to keep in it. While we all might like to think our chicken-keeping experience will be bucolic and without any trouble, the straight truth is you will likely come…

Honey's antibacterial properties for chickens

Why Honey’s Antibacterial Properties Should Always Be In Your Chickens’ Emergency Kit

Humans have known about honey’s antibacterial properties for centuries, and it’s something I turn to on the homestead to treat wounds on our chickens. For generations, our ancestors relied on honey’s antibacterial properties to treat their chickens as well as themselves. And our medical communities are rediscovering the power of honey as antibiotic-resistant bacteria becomes more…